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Prambanan Temple : one of the temple as a world historical heritage

The largest Hindu temple in Indonesia is called Prambanan, and it dates back to the ninth century AD. This temple, also known as Rara Jonggrang, was offered to the Trimurti, the three principal Hindu deities: Siwa, the god of destruction, Brahma, the god of creation, and Wiring, the god of the Valnus.


The original Prambanan Temple is rectangular in shape and consists of three courtyards: the Jaba courtyard, the central courtyard, and the Njeron courtyard (inner courtyard).

Right now, the exterior courtyard is just a space. Whether there were additional structures or ornaments in this courtyard is currently unknown. The second courtyard, the middle courtyard, which is a rectangle with a total area of 222 m2, is located in the middle of the outer courtyard. A stone fence that once encircled the middle courtyard has since collapsed. There are four courtyards in total, each growing larger and taller. The deep courtyard, which is the highest courtyard and is regarded as the holiest location, follows.

The closest cities to Prambanan are Klaten (3 km north) and Yogyakarta (17 km southwest). Since Prambanan Temple is located on Solo Highway-Yogya, it is easily accessible. You can take the Transjogja public transport system from Yogyakarta and get off at the Prambanan market stop. The Prambanan Temple is accessible from all buses that travel between the Solo cities.

Furthermore, it is not difficult to use private vehicles to get to Prambanan. Just past the Solo-Yogya road, which is reachable from both Yogya city and the outer ring road. Km 16 Solo Highway – Yogya is where you can find Prambanan Temple; it’s north of the highway.


  • Prepare a camera and battery to take appropriate photos
  • use a dress modestly and respect those who worship
  • whatch your attitude and words
  • Do not throw trash anywhere; instead, bring your plastic bags to store trash.
  • Do not commit Vandalism
  • use a trusted travel agent
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